View Full Version : 'Show Desktop' > Logout/Windowserver crash

08-18-2014, 03:46 PM
Pressing Command-F3 on my MBA, or F11 on the other keyboard I have slides all the windows to the edges of the screen so I can see the desktop. This also logs me out (sometimes up to a 3 second wait before it happens). Does anybody have a resolution?

08-19-2014, 07:01 AM
Pressing Command-F3 on my MBA, or F11 on the other keyboard I have slides all the windows to the edges of the screen so I can see the desktop. This also logs me out (sometimes up to a 3 second wait before it happens). Does anybody have a resolution?

This is a known issue in Mavericks (and Yosemite). The Window Server crashes bringing down all open applications. It's a timing issues so it's an issue only on some systems.

As a workaround it has been suggested to us to disable some of the OS animations that seem to trigger the issue.
There's a good list at http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/14001/how-to-turn-off-all-the-animation-effect-on-mac-os

We are currently trying with NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled, NSToolbarFullScreenAnimationDuration, expose-animation-duration, springboard-show-duration, springboard-hide-duration, springboard-page-duration.

If you try this workaround can you please let us know if it was effective in avoiding the issue?
