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topshelf95 08-28-2011 09:04 PM

fixed something, broke something
Bernie was kind enough to send me the new beta drivers to fix the issue I was having where upon startup I would have to manually unplug and replug the four adapters I am using to get the screens to all receive a signal. Wouldn't be so bad if it was only one monitor I guess, but having to go through four monitors individually and wait for the screen flicker/blackout/pause scenario for each one was kind of a pain.

Anyway, the new drivers fixed the problem and I no longer have to unplug/replug all the monitors. Yay. Win. Not so fast. I noticed immediately that any web page that has flash or any kind of video switches to interlace mode automatically and blurs out all the text on the page. wth? It makes the new drivers unusable. I'm sure there are a zillion technical factors involved with making the decision to switch to interlace mode automatically, but I can't for the life of me imagine what they are that are so important as to be an acceptable trade off in making the entire web page unreadable if it has flash content on it.

Please get rid of automatic interlace mode, or at least maybe have a second set of drivers without interlace mode to at least give people the option? The new 6.0 drivers, for the good that they bring, are painfully useless until this is somehow fixed. Sorry for the rant, please let me know if there is anything that can currently be done, or if there is anything in the pipeline to fix this issue. Thank you for all your hard work.


Wim 08-30-2011 08:26 AM

V6.0 turned on "Optimze for Video" by default. This reduces the quality for full screen video to keep the frame rate high, but can cause the effects you are seeing on the desktop.

You can disable this in the DisplayLink GUI by unchecking the "Optimize for video" option. This should prevent the interlacing you are seeing.


topshelf95 08-30-2011 02:15 PM

Bam. That worked like a charm. I wonder why Bernie didn't say anything regarding the fact that you can turn off "optimize for video". He made is sound as though there was no option to fix it because it was part of the way the drivers were programmed.

Anyway, thank you for your help responding to that. I can say now that the only way I could be happier with these adapters is if they did my laundry for me. Left a great review on Amazon for the product, also noting the great customer service. Thank you again!


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