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sureader 10-09-2013 03:29 PM

Status of new realease

Could you provide an update on when do you expect to have a working version for maverick? I mean the current issue with the screen lagging is so troublesome that it render this dock near useless to me.

Thanks for your support,
Best Regards,

JoshFink 10-16-2013 05:56 PM

I second this. I'm very interested in making sure this works sooner than later.

gilesmartin 10-17-2013 03:08 AM

i have to say this performance is really disappointing. I just recently bought the diamond DV100 to go with my new macbook air running mavericks GM. The performance with a connecting screen is absolutely terrible. I would almost move back to mtn lion if i didn't really like some of the features of mavericks. Interestingly display from splash top exhibits the same behavior but AirDisplay seems to be much better.

I have also had issues with flickering over screensharing on my Mac mini running mavericks when it is connected to an airplay display so perhaps this is part of that issue as well

Symonty 10-17-2013 06:21 AM

Agreed I would really like to use Displaylink
We are using all USB 3.0 devices and they work amazingly well for use on our wacom tablets [ 21UX ] and phptoshop on MTN lion.

Our test machine running Mavericks GM is useless.

Is this an apple thing or can we expect an update?

sureader 10-17-2013 02:52 PM

Does anyone working for display link is reading this forum? We don't expect a long answer just a sort of status update.

Please could you do that? I bought that dock and now it is useless to me excepts if I downgrade back to mountain lion which I don't want to do..

Many thanks in advance

Best Regards,

fhall1 10-18-2013 11:04 AM

I think their development team is probably too busy coding around Windows 8.1 problems to worry about the "red-headed stepchild" Mac at this point - thus the silence for weeks on this forum from anyone at DL.

gilesmartin 10-21-2013 11:09 PM

i actually just went ahead and rolled back to mountain lion (did a clean install and used migration assistant to pull back data, applications, etc from mavericks). I will stay here until things are repaired.

displaylinker 10-22-2013 06:36 PM

What is going on at DisplayLink lately? Mavericks is out today and 2.1 is still in beta? I don't recall them having this kind of delay when Mountain Lion was launched.

gilesmartin 10-22-2013 06:38 PM

i would like to know this as well. I would really like to get my macbook air back on mavericks

displaylinker 10-22-2013 08:14 PM

Wow this displaylink issue sounds like it may be indefinite. Maybe I should just ditch my third screen running on Displaylink adapter for now, instead of holding my breath waiting for it.

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