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semidazed 11-09-2011 01:16 AM

Can't calibrate both monitors
I'm unsure exactly where the fault lies with this problem and I didn't see any posts about it, so I'll describe it best I can.

I've got a 2011 15" aluminum Macbook Pro, which runs on Lion. Before buying the new machine, everything ran fine on Snow Leopard. I've got two monitors, one hooked up through the DVI port (left monitor) and the other via USB, compliments of DisplayLink (right monitor).

For some reason, when I run my color calibration software (Colormunki Display) everything seems to go fine (test is on intended screen, etc.) but when I try to apply the icc profile to the right monitor, it will apply to the left monitor (the DVI). If I select the display options for the right screen and choose a profile, the profile will apply to only the left screen. In addition, both screens will reflect the same selected profile but only the left one will ever change. This happens regardless which profile I use, regardless whether the profiles were default, built with ColorMunki, or built by any other programs.

There are no problems applying profiles to the Macbook itself- just this infuriating problem with not being able to properly calibrate my individual monitors. I don't know if anyone else has even had this problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

farrierservice 02-06-2012 09:00 PM

Same issue
I have the same issue I am running a mac mini with lion 10.7.2 what I would add is if I try to set my stock monitor to the res that it needs and the second monitor to what I need it to be set to I have this.
My stock monitor is fine but the second monitor only has my background image on it with no icons the touch works fine. The only way I can get the icons to appear is to set the computer to mirror monitor. Any ideas would be helpful..

pat9neal 02-08-2012 04:24 AM

Plumbing Lexington
I agree. You have to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

farrierservice 02-09-2012 04:41 AM

is anyone wave an idea

Originally Posted by farrierservice (Post 5700)
I have the same issue I am running a mac mini with lion 10.7.2 what I would add is if I try to set my stock monitor to the res that it needs and the second monitor to what I need it to be set to I have this.
My stock monitor is fine but the second monitor only has my background image on it with no icons the touch works fine. The only way I can get the icons to appear is to set the computer to mirror monitor. Any ideas would be helpful..

Any body have any ideas yet????

look4awhile 03-16-2012 03:53 PM

Same issue. Can't color calibrate the monitor using stock color profiles or otherwise. As the result the monitor is too bright, which completely defeats the purpose.

Update: nevermind me. The issue is well known Apple bug.
Nothing to do with the USB->HDMI adapter.
Has to do with having two identical monitors.
Has not been fixed since forever.

The work-around is to turn monitor mirroring on and off every time you reboot\relog. Bummer.

redbird578 03-09-2014 08:02 PM

Just joined this forum. Wondering if there is any newer info on calibrating multiple monitors. I am using one LG W2353VP and one LG W2353V along with a 2011 17" MBP running Mavericks 10.9.2 Inter Core i7 with 16GB Ram.

Would like to calibrate all three but not mirror any. SuperCal only does monitor with Finder. Was not getting much on laptop monitor using Display preferences to calibrate. Sorry if this makes no sense.

Any suggestions?

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