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-   -   Games cause Mimo2 to stop drawing anything (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=64745)

Trekari 08-31-2016 08:25 PM

Games cause Mimo2 to stop drawing anything
If I play a game such as Payday2 (fullscreen exclusive mode), the display of my Mimo2 Touch stops responding.

Meaning that no new graphical updates are drawn.

So if I was using it to display Teamspeak (for example), the Teamspeak window will never update again. I can't click on anything, I can't drag anything, the entire monitor stops responding until a restart.

Power cycling the Mimo2 results in a black display, which obviously does not solve the problem.

This has been happening for months,with multiple displaylink drivers.

AlbanRampon 09-01-2016 10:38 AM


I don't have your OS, or log files to investigate.

If your software bypasses Windows Desktop Manager (DWM) to talk directly to the graphics card, then yes, you won't have any update. We can't get pixels if the card bypasses Windows, that is expected.
This should disappear in Windows 10 Anniversary Update as Windows changes the way graphics work and we would be able to get pixels in these conditions.


Trekari 09-01-2016 10:20 PM

Windows 10, 64bit, not AU yet.

I don't know what logs I could possibly provide.

It isn't a problem that the game won't run - they run fine. It's a problem that after having run the game, the Displaylink monitor NEVER draws anything again until I restart my system entirely.

These aren't games being RUN on the displaylink device. They run just fine on my fullscreen main monitor, but displaylink stops drawing anything, ever, for good, until I restart my system.

I fail to see why running a fullscreen application on one monitor, should cause your monitors to stop responding until a system restart. Why is there not a function in your own software to reset the device after a fullscreen application has ended?

AlbanRampon 09-02-2016 11:22 AM

Sure, if the game talks directly to the graphics card, the game hack the WDM stack to bypass it, so it short-circuits Windows, and DisplayLink driver.
The issue is not where the game is displayed because the calculation is always done by the graphics card or CPU, never by DisplayLink.

If you run windowed, then the game MUST used Windows window composer to display the application and the desktop, and then we are working normally.

Trekari 09-03-2016 07:23 PM

So why does Windows Desktop come back just fine on my main monitor, but the Mimo never recovers?

AlbanRampon 09-05-2016 11:02 AM

Because of the way DWM is bypassed to talk directly to the graphics card and the restored.

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