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Old 12-13-2010, 02:47 AM   #22
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Posts: 18

Originally Posted by mastahype View Post
I'll be happy to setup a blog or wiki of some sorts for While I have seen them at least pop in to reply, the frequency is abysmal with months of gaps between replies. It seems like they only provide support within a couple weeks of the latest beta, which does seem to have a Duke Nukem Forever style "indefinite" release schedule. While it's clear that Apple has had a part to play with some of the issues, I believe the primary issues lie squarely on Displaylink's side. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if they just provided timely feedback and responses. Ignoring users just makes them look shady.

I'll work on getting a site up within the next couple weeks. I don't intend for it to bash Displaylink, but to serve as an open forum for users to post their experiences and opinions for potential buyers of their products for Macs. It can also hopefully be a location to find the current "state of affairs" for the mac drivers. If Displaylink fixes the issues, the site would likely reflect that and be very positive and supportive.
Please do, I think it would be good to light a bit of fire so to speak. If it works and they fix the drivers then your site can become an advertisement for displaylink.
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