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Old 09-23-2009, 12:19 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Munich
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by SpyderZ View Post
Hi Patrick,

This is my setup.

Six LG L206WU monitors.

Two running on the NVida graphics card.
Four running on DisplayLink USB.

I have a Wacom Tablet and external hard drive attached to USB.

I have uninstalled the DisplayLink drivers and unattached the monitors and the system operates flawlessly. When I put them back, the problem comes back.

1. System Sleep Hangs
2. Reset Hangs
3. Turning monitors off with the Mac shortcut causes monitors to go into blank mode, not power saving mode.

Also, after a refresh start about 5-10 minutes afterwards four warning boxes pop up indicating that four USB drives can not be ejected. Do I want to Eject or Ignore? I hit Eject, and nothing happens.

I know after 10.5.8 there were some improvements on USB drive handling. This is probably what is causing the conflict where the system can't properly ignore the USB drive on the monitors or send the proper shutdown signal.
Hmmm that setup should just work. Does it work with just one additional display connected ? The USB Hub you are using was connected to the system with your sleep test without the DL driver right ?
Does the system go to sleep without the DL driver installed but the monitors attached ?

The USB disks you need to ignore. The reason for that is the Monitors contain a virtual cdrom attached via USB which seems to be unreadable by MacOS X.

About the power saving - the displays should go to sleep if they implement all powersaving states. Some displays are known that they don't support all states. We are thinking about a workaround for those displays but it's harder as one might think as other displays then have different problems.

Regards Jolly aka Patrick
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