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Old 07-21-2011, 04:37 AM   #9
Hart Bezner
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 2
Default MBP late 2008

Installed Lion Wednesday morning. All appeared to go remarkably well, but noticed that the USB monitor no longer worked. Downloaded and installed 1.7b2. The system did NOT recover from the required reboot, but hung. Had to recover from a clone of 10.6.8 and re-install Lion. Won't try again until some light is shed on this issue.

Such is life on the bleeding edge ......

PS: It's a late 2008 MBP 5,1 with 8GB of memory. After downloading LION a second time, I deleted 1.7b2 and rebooted. There were still issues. I'm beginning to suspect that the dual GPUs (9400 and 9600) may cause problems. It's also possible that the 8GB memory is too large. LION was brought up with the 9400 GPU. Trying to switch over to the 9600 caused the system to hang - all without the DisplayLink driver.

Would be good to hear from someone with the same MBP model, but with 4MB.

Update, Friday, July 22:

I discovered, after trying many things, that if you run your late 2008 MBP in 9600 mode, all "appears" to be well. DisplayLink seems to function. A double boot may be required after you install 1.7b2.

An interesting thing happened as I was testing. I took a screen shot on the third screen, something that didn't work for me with earlier versions. When I tried to reposition the screen-shot icon, it stuck to the mouse pointer and could not be shaken off. I then "uninstalled" 1.7b2 and things returned to normal. You should be on the lookout for this potential problem. Again it might be confined to the late 2008 MBP - but we'll see ......

Nasty problems surface if you install 1.7b2 while the machine is in 9400 mode. Furthermore, even nastier things happen if, after you get things working in 9600 mode, you attempt to switch back to the 9400 GPU.

¡buena suerte!

Last edited by Hart Bezner; 07-22-2011 at 08:34 PM. Reason: New insights
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