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Old 08-05-2011, 03:07 AM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 46

ok sorry for the double post,

noticed on my usb connected display that the mouse cursor will ghost onto the screen, sort of just stay there but I can still move my mouse around with the cursor intact (two cursors on screen, one doesn't move, sometimes is half there). notice it sort of happens if something finishes loading and pops itself in the foreground when it's done. Usually unzipping files and finder pops up with the unzipped file causes it. My computer specs posted above.

moving the screen around (mission control or launchpad) makes the ghost mouse cursor goes away.

can't open photoshop? alert box says "Could not initialize photoshop because of a program error" was working fine without displaylink beta3... will update post after uninstalling DisplayLink

Update, displayLink preventing PS to open, opens fine after uninstalling it, I have openGL turned on in PS, could this be the issue?

Last edited by philip; 08-08-2011 at 07:41 AM. Reason: more bugs.
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