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Old 03-15-2014, 09:24 AM   #6
Mac Team
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 606

Thank you everyone for sharing your findings.

What we know from Apple is that one basic OS issue is Mavericks identifying the different displays based on the wrong information.
The multiple displays behaviour at the moment is depending, among the other things, on the order the displays are connected (for USB screens this also depends on the USB topology) and the order the drivers are loaded.

Reinstalling any driver can change the loading order so if you have something that works I'd avoid changing any drivers, including OS updates.
I for example had a brief two weeks with everything working but that is long gone.

On top of the basic multiple displays OS issue we have added further workarounds from the beta to the final 2.1 to avoid issues with even one screen connected, especially with HDMI screens.
We are going to re-balance the workarounds in the next SW update - very soon! - and while your feedback would be very useful I don't think it would be a good idea for you to potentially break a setup that works.

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