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-   -   USB 3.0 Displaylink DL-3000 series: DL-3100 / DL-3500 / DL-3900 (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1748)

santilland 07-09-2015 04:47 PM

I also just registered to say, i was thinking about getting a XPS 13 developer edition and after reading there was no support for the docking station with usb 3.0 i was about to dismiss the idea.
Reading from DisplayLink team that they are working on it makes me rethink the situation a bit.
Still looking at this with a bit of mistrust, but if they get it working i would buy the notebook and docking station for sure.

Looking forward to more news.

nonsbe 07-13-2015 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Wim (Post 77618)
Thank you for your patience with DisplayLink over support for Linux.

DisplayLink have been working on extending our OS support beyond Windows and Mac, and have recently introduced support for Android.

Now we have our first support for Android, we are pleased to announce that we will be extending our support for Linux, beyond USB 2.0 devices, with the first public preview for USB 3.0 devices planned in Q3 this year.

We will let you know when we have a first driver release available.



Just want to let you know that I also have a Dell XPS 13 running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I bought it, not knowing there was no USB 3.0 video/... support by DisplayLink. Looking forward towards the public preview in Q3.

pistolpete2nd 07-18-2015 08:34 AM

Also awaiting new drivers
I am also very displeased that after buying the Dell XPS 15 I notice that the USB3.0 Adapter to VGA does not work for Linux. I hope the drivers will be released soon, as I am eager to test them.

bohan 07-21-2015 05:30 PM

Big disappointment
I've been using Linux exclusively for more than ten years.
Since Dell recently sold XPS 15 laptops with linux preinstalled, I was confident this hardware was well supported on linux.
So I bought a Dell XPS 15 laptop, with its DL 3100 so called "docking" station.
I'm totally disappointed with the two products combined, since I can't plug any monitor, nor power my laptop through the dock. I have then no use for the DL 3100 dock.
I'm considering selling it away. Sure that's a *big* waste of money!

bohan 07-21-2015 05:36 PM

Thank you very much!
Can't wait for it!


Originally Posted by Wim (Post 77618)
Thank you for your patience with DisplayLink over support for Linux.

DisplayLink have been working on extending our OS support beyond Windows and Mac, and have recently introduced support for Android.

Now we have our first support for Android, we are pleased to announce that we will be extending our support for Linux, beyond USB 2.0 devices, with the first public preview for USB 3.0 devices planned in Q3 this year.

We will let you know when we have a first driver release available.



Blastyr 07-30-2015 06:39 AM

Emphasis mine:

Originally Posted by Wim (Post 77618)
[...] with the first public preview for USB 3.0 devices planned in Q3 this year.

Really? I have a major problem with these three words, after 18 pages of people complaining about the lack of support.

Way to commit, DisplayLink. Pfft.

banderson5586 07-30-2015 07:23 PM

Even a weak commitment is better than nothing. With the Andoid app out there, I can't imagine some sort of Linux support would be far behind. Would be interesting to know what what flavors of Linux are they targeting.

guerrierk 07-31-2015 01:23 PM

Hi all,

I bought HP EliteDisplay S140u and I have to use it with Debian (3.16.0-4-amd64) on Dell Laptop n5110.

I am waiting for this new version of udl to use do.

Could we test beta version to help with our feedback ?

Thanks by advance ;-)

gaya 07-31-2015 01:42 PM

I also registered for the +1 ;)
While searching for a tablet with proper Linux support and a docking station I came across the Dell XPS18. I have exactly that now. It definitely is a nice tablet, but I came to know after some time that the Linux support isn't as I expected and I cannot use my 2 other Monitors under Linux. I forced myself to use Windows 8.1 now. It is working somehow but annoying me in many places. It doesn't cold-start when shutdown down the PSU prior shutdown, it bugs with Windows 10, it complains about weird things, it cannot properly copy files and on the second Monitor it is slow. The DNS cache crashes the network when modifying the hosts file. Battery runtime has been less with Windows compared to a fully blown Gnome Desktop.

Windows has many antique parts no one cares for (Mail account settings, registry, browser, properties, explorer Window features ("window on top")).
In Linux you can find those antiques as well, but you often can find an alternative and it runs stable. So I'm forced to use Windows because of the docking station as I need the two monitors. And I hate it. I can't use my old scanner anymore because HP doesn't supply the driver anymore for Windows 7+. Linux has no issues speaking with that device.

I would love to go back to Gentoo. I considered financing the docking station driver, but earlier in the thread I read about companies buying 2000 laptops and that docking station for Linux will do better than me.

I can think of replacing my Windows with Linux sooner or later again or I can find another Docking station that works fine. Problem is that the few working seem to work with the DL1x5 chipsets. I don't have that many ports on that AIO-PC XPS18.

jkudish 08-03-2015 05:34 AM

I hope support is coming soon :)
Another big +1 from me to please add Linux Support. Got the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition and definitely disappointed that I can't easily use the Dell accessories to connect a display.

Q3 is already halfway through, would be great to see support added soon. Happy to alpha/beta test :)

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