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-   -   Notification Thread for Carlo for when Mavericks and DisplayLink Play Nice (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=62423)

JamesGuymer 02-07-2014 05:56 AM

A Response From Apple!
Hi James,

This is a follow-up regarding Bug ID# 15945748.

Engineering has determined that this is an issue for a third party to resolve.

Apple doesn't create those drivers, DisplayLink does, so not a lot we can do about it. Don't know what calls they're making that would behave differently.

If you have questions regarding the resolution of this issue, please update your bug report with them.

We are closing this report.

Please be sure to regularly check new Apple releases for any updates that might affect this issue.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us discover and isolate bugs within our products.

Best Regards,

Developer Bug Reporting Team
Apple Worldwide Developer Relations

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Bug ID #: 15945748
Bug Title: Mavericks Not playing nice with Displaylink drivers
<GMT30-Jan-2014 14:02:50GMT>

I have an issue with mavericks and display link drivers, its a know issues apparently http://www.displaylink.com/support/ticket.php?id=354.

I was running 6 monitors off my mac book retina pro using 4 external graphic cards successfully until i upgraded to mavericks.

I can only get 3 running now, 2 of which are being run from the thunderbolt ports and 1 external card

Steps to Reproduce:
1) attach more than one external display link card and screen goes flickery and unusable

Expected Results:
6 monitors running in harmony

Actual Results:
d screen goes flickery and unusable

OS X 10.9.1 13B42




ehendrix 02-07-2014 05:11 PM

Same answer I got from Apple about WindowServer crashing when doing "Show Desktop".
Yet, I have not seen the crashes anymore after updating to 10.9.1.

I think the problem here is that we do not know what DisplayLink uses from OSx. Hence our "bug reports" really are against the DisplayLink drivers. If instead the report would state more that by using this specific API within OSx this issue occurs then it would become more clear it is an issue in OSX.

Carlo 02-09-2014 07:24 AM


Thank you for raising the issues. The answers you got are in line with the ones we got from the first level of support on most issues, which is disappointing of course but not unexpected. It's still useful to reiterate the importance of the issue, regardless of where the blame would lie: we'd love to have one or more fundamental bugs to fix to improve the user experience on Mavericks.

We take seriously our NDA with Apple and can't share details of our own communications with further levels of support.

So far it very much looks like 10.8: it took one year for exactly the same DisplayLink driver to go from unusable on 10.8.0 to a good user experience on 10.8.5.
Thank you for your help in trying to shorten that interval this time around.


EddieMa 02-11-2014 01:49 AM

Any chance you would consider opening up the OS X driver software for us to look at? I bet some of us are CS students / developers that have worked with kernels before.

At the very least, the community could verify that the problem is indeed a kernel regression, which could add some weight when reporting the problem to Apple.

jmwebguy 02-21-2014 01:20 AM

Making sure my issues are related
MBP Late 2011 model. Before Mavericks, I used DisplayLink USB Docking station. One display connected directly via DVI. Two additional displays connected DVI to USB (plugged into docking station). And then the laptop display. Worked like perfection.

Now, I can only get 2 displays working with USB Dock (in addition to laptop). The one plugged directly into DVI and one DVI to USB. I always have to reset the display layout every morning. I try to connect the other DVI to USB and once in a blue moon it will connect but I can't access the screen.

So, are these the same issues others are reporting and seeing with Mavericks?

jmwebguy 02-21-2014 01:59 PM

I have 3 monitors now working, with DisplayLink
2 monitors connected to DisplayLink (one direct DVI and one DVI to USB). The other monitor is connected with a DVI to HDMI then I have the HDMI connected to a HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter.

Still have to change layout each system start, but I can handle that.

gtgweb 02-21-2014 03:22 PM

work around
I figured work around if i switch the monitor from USB >HDMI to scaled and 1600 x 900 it actually lights up and stays active.

the 24" dell monitor natively runs at 1920 x 1080 but since i am doing screen share on the third monitor to a remote MAC it actually doesn't take the scale and looks like a 1920 x 1080 display

dispnev 02-28-2014 04:50 PM

Will I be able to upgrade to Mavericks in 2014?
OMG, is there a fix coming? Another month has gone by.

I guess I need to find a Thunderbolt (TB) hub or something. I'm not going to buy Apple's TB monitors ($$$), but maybe a TB hub exists, so I can re-use these DVI monitors with TB to DVI adapters.


Has anyone seen a Thunderbolt hub that will do this? I did some looking a few weeks ago but didn't find anything.

jkirker 03-04-2014 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by EddieMa (Post 73200)
Any chance you would consider opening up the OS X driver software for us to look at? I bet some of us are CS students / developers that have worked with kernels before.

At the very least, the community could verify that the problem is indeed a kernel regression, which could add some weight when reporting the problem to Apple.

Eddie, had the same thought. What about opening up the driver to the development community. You guys are obviously resource strapped - either that or there is nothing that can be done and Apple is essentially Googling you out of business.

dispnev 07-01-2014 08:26 PM

Yeah, well, a few more months have gone by, ... any updates? ... no?

I tried the J5 USB adapters with Mavericks and two at once worked fine, but they don't allow rotating. If you don't need portrait mode, they are a good option.

Is multiple monitors on a macbook really so hard? Pretty soon OSX 10.10 will be out.

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