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-   -   Display Link Manager closes after User switching (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67843)

OlDirty 08-12-2021 03:15 PM

Display Link Manager closes after User switching
I have a Targus DOCK190EUZ connected to my MBP M1. There are two screens connected to the dock.
I use the MacBook with a private and a work account and I often switch between them.
Whenever I change to the other account and back again, the DisplayLink Manager is closed. I need to manually start it again in order to "activate" the two external displays.
How can I fix that?

AverageBen 11-25-2021 11:05 AM

Hi there, did you ever get to the bottom of this issue or find any workarounds?

Having the same troubles here, M1 MacBook Air, Dell D6000 dock, with 2 displays attached through DisplayPort plugs on the back of the dock.

Seems to be very little about this particular problem out there...


OlDirty 12-04-2021 05:33 PM

The only solution I found is to close the App before switching accounts.
Definitely not the best usability.

stef2dotoh 12-14-2021 12:06 AM

I just discovered this today. Like AverageBen, I have an M1 MacBook Air and Dell D6000 dock with 2 displays. I work in clamshell mode, so when I switch, I have to open my MBA and turn DL back on. Very annoying.

Turning off DL prior to switching isn't helpful because if you turn it off, then you don't have the extended desktop. That's fine, though, if you're not working in clamshell I guess.

I hope there's a fix for this soon.

yarko_w 01-20-2022 09:04 AM

Hi I'm having this issue too and wondering if there is a known fix for this yet or are we still waiting?

Using a M1 MacBook Air with Dual Monitors on pluggable dock

chrisj 04-02-2022 08:47 AM

Any updates?
Still facing this issue, hope this is fixed soon :(

dcolt 04-08-2022 07:04 AM


I do some user switching during the day on Mac OS (Business / Private Profile). It would be nice if displaylink would recognize the circumstances and auto initialize itselfs afterwards.

alst 04-14-2022 08:29 AM

My Solution
I use Eventscripts to solve this.


and this script on fast user switch.


-- To receive the eventArgs parameter
-- we wrap the script in an on run handler

-- eventArgs is a variable which will be populated when the script is executed
-- by EventScripts. If you run the script outside of EventScripts (eg in an editor)
-- you'll get an error since "trigger" has not been set in "eventArgs".

on run eventArgs
        -- every eventArgs record has a trigger property
        -- that describes the action that caused the script to be executed
        set thisTrigger to (trigger of eventArgs)
        if thisTrigger is "Fast user switched in" then
                -- do whatever you want to happen when
                -- the screen is unlocked here
                -- YOUR SCRIPT HERE
                tell application "/Applications/DisplayLink Manager.app"
                end tell

j13k 05-04-2022 08:19 AM

Vote for feature request
You can vote for a related open feature request here:


NancyV 06-23-2023 06:54 PM

DisplayLink fails when switching users

Originally Posted by OlDirty (Post 92451)
I have a Targus DOCK190EUZ connected to my MBP M1. There are two screens connected to the dock.
I use the MacBook with a private and a work account and I often switch between them.
Whenever I change to the other account and back again, the DisplayLink Manager is closed. I need to manually start it again in order to "activate" the two external displays.
How can I fix that?

Was a solution ever found to this issue? I'm having the same experience on an iMAC ... switching users causes the extended display to not be recognized which I think is due to the driver not loading.

Is there a way to install the DisplayLink software for 'all users'?

The failure to load happens when switching user accounts and is not specific to which account was logged into on a restart. I with account several times a day for different work projects and restating each time is inconvenient at best, it significantly interferes with work efficiency.

Thanks for any and all suggestions/help!


sechste_blende_0b 09-29-2023 08:16 AM

I installed the login screen extension but also had to disable FileVault. It doesn't work all the time, but it's better now. I guess with FileVault on, the extension couldn't work properly. Unfortunately, the documentation on this tool is very thin...

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