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-   -   Sierra issues (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=64795)

Carlo 09-21-2016 11:46 AM

Sierra issues
Dear Forum,

If you have upgraded to Sierra and are experiencing issues listed in http://support.displaylink.com/knowl...cos-10-12-sier please open a bug with Apple at http://bugreport.apple.com

This will help Apple prioritising these issues higher. We are not aware of anything DisplayLink can do to work around those operating system defects.

If you see any other issues or have any other suggestion we'd be happy to hear about them!

Kind regards,

shad0wca7 09-21-2016 06:52 PM

Would this include something like Safari being unusable (crashes, screen corruption etc)?

Just read the thread and answered my own question (yes). Report submitted.

Shanesan 09-27-2016 05:58 PM


You may want to sticky this thread.

Also, inform people to hold off on bug reports until 10.12.1, as it seems to fix most of the issues.

Apple needs to get their X.0 act in gear.

dacker 09-28-2016 03:03 AM

No longer recognizing 1920 x1080
Would the issues address Mac OS Sierra not recognizing my 1080p HDMI monitor as 1920 x 1080 but only 1024 x 768 [when it worked fine in 10.11]

Carlo 09-28-2016 06:24 AM

Hi dacker,

We haven't seen this issue yet. HDMI resolutions can be "special" in macOS.
Have you tried to see the complete resolution list?

- Open the Displays system preference
- Find the preferences window for the screen you want to adjust
- If not already selected, choose the "Default for display" resolution setting
- While keeping the option (alt) key pressed, choose the "Scaled" resolution setting

If this still does not work, please open a bug on support.displaylink.com and we can check in the logs why the resolution is not listed.


SinfoniaSam 09-29-2016 08:42 PM

Upgrading to 10.12.1 Beta 2 Fixed
Upgrading to 10.12.1 beta 2 fixed my problems. I also uninstalled and downloaded the latest DisplayLink drivers.

If you're having problems, I'd recommend joining Apple's public beta program to get the update.

lweeks 09-30-2016 11:39 AM

Unable to open Bug with apple, already submitted ticket to them regarding this. Any update as to when this driver will be fixed allowing stable usage on Sierra? Using a public beta is not a valid option for my users in a business production environment.


falcom 09-30-2016 02:39 PM

macOS 10.12.1 beta 2 helps a lot
Just chiming in that after installing 10.12.1 beta 2 the following issues impacting DisplayLink appear to be fixed

- missing content in apps on DisplayLink screen
- occasional app crashes when moving app from DisplayLink screen to other screens
- missing resolution options for HiDPI screens (including non-DisplayLink ones)

So far the only issue that doesn't appear to be fully fixed is that when I move a window from a non-DisplayLink screen to a DisplayLink screen it will initially be all black on the DisplayLink screen. This seems to fixed by moving it a second time on the DisplayLink screen.

So all in all 10.12.1 beta 2 seems like a very worthwhile upgrade if you struggling on Sierra.


coddingtonbear 10-25-2016 08:05 PM

re: macOS 10.12.1 beta 2 helps a lot
I'm afraid my luck hasn't been as good as yours. It still appears that if I try to use any Mission Control features while my DisplayLink monitor is connected that my window manager will crash, and I'll be logged-out.

shad0wca7 10-26-2016 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by coddingtonbear (Post 81683)
I'm afraid my luck hasn't been as good as yours. It still appears that if I try to use any Mission Control features while my DisplayLink monitor is connected that my window manager will crash, and I'll be logged-out.

I have the same issue - latest Sierra update and DisplayLink drivers..

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