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MFinSD 03-14-2016 04:53 PM

Impact of USB Video on Data throughput
Greetings.....newbie - non-it citizen here:)

General questions: when using a usb 3.0 dock that utilizes displaylink technology:

Does video over USB impact data throughput?

With host PC limited to USB 2.0 and a theoretical data throughput of 480mbps... is there some overhead that video places on that "pipeline"? if so, is there a mathematical figure that applies?

With host PC using USB 3.0 and a theoretical data throughput of 5 gbps... is there some overhead that video places on that "pipeline"? if so, is there a mathematical figure that applies?

What are the potential negatives when using 3.0 output ports on the actual dock.. example.. limitations on high speed peripheral data xfer speeds?

Sorry if these are newbie questions.


AlbanRampon 08-27-2016 12:23 AM


Unlike Thunderbolt, we don't reserve a fix full USB throughput, and you can daisy-chain (cascade).
We go with the flow.

The maths and principles we use are trade secrets. That's our bread winner.

We demonstrate running Four ultra HD monitors at 60 Hz plus network, plus audio over a single USB3 connection... So if you have a few full HD monitors doing Excel and emails, your USB is as stressed as me having a holiday on the beach whilst sipping a cocktail.
A blog post with a video from Plugable several years ago gives an outrageous example of monitor hoarding

I'm sorry I have to stay vague, but I like my job very much.
If you give me your use case, I can tell you if that will be suitable or not.

Kind regards,

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