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Old 08-16-2010, 08:18 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1
Angry usb lch touchpanel Monitor not working

I purchased a very nice LCD touch panel straight from China for use in a product we are developing.

When it arrived, I egerly took it out of the box to see how well it worked.

Three computers later, and so far, I hvan't been able to make it work at all.

All three computers are running windows 7 32 bit.
All have one pci express nVidia video card with the latest nVidia drivers installed.

I started with the version that came on the cd.
Then I updated to the latest release.
Now I am up to the beta version.

All have the same issues (which I have seen on this support forum)

When I first install it, I see some flashes, then about 25% of the time, I will get the background I have up.
If I get that far, when I move the mouse over, the screen flashes, and goes black.
About 5% of the time, I can see the cursor move around inbetween flashes, but then it goes totally black.

I can tell the unit is one, because I can see the glow of the black.

Because I can see an image every once in a while, I assume it is not the hardware.

Attached is a zip with a bunch of nVidia control panel, windows 7 display panel, and the support files.

Any help woul be great, as I would love to use these in a product, but right now, not a chance.
Attached Files
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