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Old 10-12-2010, 05:39 AM   #6
Mac Team
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 606

Looking at the logs now, thank you very much for sending them. They are more messy than the last ones, there is a lot of software installed on this system.
About the "DLDistributedNotificationCenter" messages, they are harmless. Annoying, but harmless: that component does not need to have 100% availability.
The thing that really worries me are USB transfer errors that were not there in previous logs. Don't know what happened there, it might be a timing issue introduced in b3 or a hardware issue.
A software issue would still require at least another bug to occur at the same time to cause problems to the internal screen.. not likely but worth looking into, will try to reproduce on a system with a similar power management.
If it's a problem you can reliably reproducible can you uninstall the DL drivers and see if the problem depends on them?
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