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Old 09-30-2011, 08:46 AM   #1
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Default Displays switching position on (some) boots


Apologies if this has already been asked (I have looked at previous posts and couldn't find the same question).

I have a 2010 MBP with 2x Diamond BVU195s attached via a powered USB hub, and a third external monitor connected to the mini DisplayPort. The BVU195s drive the centre and left hand monitors and the screens are arranged with my laptop under the centre monitor to form a T shaped arrangement.

Here is my problem; most times when I boot the MBP with all screens connected and switched on the arrangement is preserved and I am a happy bunny. However, sometimes (probably 1 in 4 or 1 in 5) I boot up and the BVU195 driven screens have switched positions. Frustratingly, it's usually when I want to do something quickly (Murphys Law in full effect - no change there then ).

The backgrounds are set to the correct ones for the displays (that's how I can see it's happening) so it's not as if the MBP is failing to identify the monitors correctly.

I can quite easily alter the arrangement back to the correct format, and change the wallpaper so that my screens look like they should do but it's a bit annoying as I know that at some point the sequence will switch back and I'll have to do it again.

Is this a known issue? Am I going insane?

Any help would be gratefully received.

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