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Old 03-06-2012, 05:58 AM   #7
Mac Team
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Originally Posted by supacyat View Post
I'm having the same problems.

I just upgraded from the dynadock U (PA3575U-1PRP) to the dynadock U3.0 (PA3927U-1PRP), and I am now have the same problems Zillode reported above.

Prior to connecting the U3.0, I first upgraded my displaylink drivers from 1.6 to 1.7 (assuming I'd need it for the newer U3.0 hardware).

Well, the instant I plug in my USB cable from the U3.0 into the Mac... it freezes, and I get the dimmed screen with the message about holding down the power button to reboot.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.8, and under displaylink 1.6 with the older dynadock U, it worked fine! Now the new U3.0 is a brick to me.

I'm assuming (hoping) this is a bug in 1.7, and it will be fixed soon. If so, any idea when that will be?

If not, I'm gonna have to return the U3.0.

Also, I'd like to try the 1.6 displaylink driver with the U3.0. Its not on the main download site anymore. Any idea where I can get it?
Your Mac is in kernel panic, it's a different issue than Zillode.
The U3 issue is a known bug in the built-in audio drivers in Mac OS. We worked around it with later firmware but DL-3x00 devices are not yet supported on Mac so you won't be able to use the U3 right now.
Please let me know if the package or literature or website of the U3 mentioned Mac support so we can invite Toshiba to rectify it.
I'm afraid I can't comment about the release date of Mac drivers with DL-3x00 support.

Best regards,
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