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Old 02-04-2014, 04:35 PM   #1
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Default DL-5500 chip and MacMini (and others)

I read that DL created a new chip DL-5500 that will enable 4K onto USB port (USB3 will reach 30hz enough for a 4k video).

I am afraid that there'll be some problems with computers like Apple Mac Mini that block certain resolutions (higher resolutions thus lower frequencies) in HDMI (not only on HDMI port but on any external port outputting in HDMI, for example the MDP. They probably do this because they want us to buy MacPros that deliver 4K at 60Hz.. but for many uses 30Hz should be enough.

Digital Video should be easier not more complex... but unfortunately resolution is decided by a device at the end of the chain (the monitor) and is the final plug (in our case HDMI) that is seen from the OS. In Apple's case they block HDMI under 50Hz even if Intel 4000 graphic card (with newer drivers) can handle it perfectly in Windows 7 and 8.

Hope somebody at Display Link reads this and finds a way to trick the Mac in not seeing HDMI but something else (just a USB3 data port?)
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