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Old 05-18-2020, 10:29 AM   #42
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Default More Info for Jakub

Originally Posted by JakubDabrowski View Post
Hello tannum99,

Thank you for your patience.

We have been trying to reproduce the issue on similar setup that you are using but we do have few questions.

Could you record a short video or make few photos of your setup? We would like to see exactly how it is all connected.

Laptop to Dynadock : Type C to Type B
Astrotek USB-C 3.1 Type-C Male to USB 3.0 Type B Male Cable 1m

Have also tried USB-3 Type A to USB 3.0 Type B Male, same issue

Peripherals attached to Dynadock :
USB : Gigabyte G105 Keyboard
USB : Gigabyte wireless mouse GM-M7580
USB : Logitech Webcam 500
DVI : AOC AOC E2460 1920 x 1080 60 Hz
HDMI : ASUS VS247 1920 x 1080 60 Hz
Audio output : Standard Speakers
Ethernet not used

Moreover, could you please test if the crashes happen so often if you would be using only monitors and ethernet? Could you test it without other devices connected, such as speakers/mouse etc.?

All cables have been replaced at least once, no improvement
All peripherals work correctly when connected direct to computer

Did you notice any pattern when the issue occurs? Are you using maybe any specific application or the issue happens more often while doing something specific on your machine?

Issue is very bad when using a web browser on extended desktop
Any monitor, any browser, any website
MS Edge (Chrome based), Firefox, Chrome all same issue

For example. When typing this reply using extended desktop, multiple crashes
approx 10 crashes in 30 minutes
If I move the browser window to notebook screen, no crashes

But also occurs with other applications on the extended desktops
EG, Word, Outlook, Excel etc

My initial assumption was faulty Dynadock. Replaced with identical unit
So now have 2 with same issues
So obviously the Dynadocks are not faulty

Additional information maybe significant :

Notebook is "Leader" model SC787. 17in display
Notebook mainboard is Clevo N85_N87HCHNHZ

If you would like to contact by emails, please let me know.

Thank you for your feedback,

Best regards,
Steve Cook

Last edited by tannum99; 05-18-2020 at 05:31 PM.
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