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Old 02-16-2024, 11:02 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by pkillo View Post

I'm running DisplayLink Manager 1.10.0 build 117 which I believe is the latest release at the time of this posting. Over the last week or so DisplayLink Manager has started crashing constantly. I'm not sure exactly when it started so I can't identify if there was an update to MacOS that might have revealed this issue.

Below in brief, and attached in full, please find the error dump from the system console. Sorry for the zip file, your site doesn't allow uploads of large enough txt files to contain the error messages.

FWIW, I'm using a Plugable display extender model USBC-6950PDZ. Please let me know if there's a stable build I can try instead.

According to Plugable --> the latest version of DisplayLink Manager they recommend for their products is version 1.9.

If you have not already done so, I would suggest installing 1.9 in order to see if that changes the behavior.

For your reference, a good way to start with a 'clean slate' before installing 1.9 would be to use the new macOS End-User Cleaner tool -->

If reverting to 1.9 is not an option, I would suggest reporting the issue with 1.10 directly to DisplayLink by following the process outlined here -->
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