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Old 10-14-2011, 04:58 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 46

Originally Posted by Wim View Post
Yes, unfortunately the dragging issue still seems to be there, although Apple had closed our bug on it (so we hoped they had fixed it).

We are raising this with Apple again to try and get them to fix the issue.

Just a thought:

If they closed it it means they're working on it (hopefully) and know what the issue is. Which is a good sign. if you have new information to give them, definitely do so, but telling them that it still doesn't work is something that is already being addressed, most likely. It seems like displayink doesn't have a developer license. If you get one, you'll be able to know first hand if new updates address your situation and also to communicate with apple's developers about your issue.

Having said that, they are human and may have made a mistake when closing it so raising the bug up again might not be so bad.
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