I have upgraded all of the drivers, I have followed the steps indicated by this forum before posting this thread, and passed the four steps indicated by DisplayLink on this forum when you sign up as a new user.
I am running a two week old Sony Vaio Duo 11.
When I plug in display link into the usb3.0 and then plug in a monitor into the docking station (with one monitor directly into the computer beforehand), my computer cycles through a bizarre set of 2 second cycles. Goes from showing control panel display screen showing three screens, then two screens, then one screen, and then the cycle starts over with three screens, then two, etc. etc. Each time the display changes, the computer makes the sound you get when you unplug and then replug something in the USB. Only way to stop the cycle is to unplug the asus completely.
Any help from DisplayLink would be appreciated.

Thank You.